Joe (aka Karsar); inspiration, fixer, and thinker. When planning shoots for music and film, Joe is one of the brilliant freelancers CWebb Designs comes to for location, environmental and creative advice. With a background in environmental services and a creative brain, Joe often offers ideas that exceed expectation.

Joe has been supporting CWebb Designs since our inception 9 years ago. As a small business offering a broad range of interactive media services (including videography, graphic design, and web design), we rely on talented freelancers to complement our work on larger projects. Most of who, like CWebb Designs, are based in Sheffield, South Yorkshire.

One project Joe offered guidance on was the Gregg Ibbotson music video New Beginning, set in Wharncliffe Woods. Not only did Joe offer advice on reducing our environmental impact but also had some great ideas on the creative side too. CWebb Designs founder, Chris Webb says the planning sessions with Joe are always a great way to get projects off to a flying start.


It also helps that Joe gets on well with the office dog, Mish Mash.

man with greyhound on lap in pub beer garden


A massive Happy Birthday to Joe and we look forward to working together again in the future!



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